Sunday, January 16, 2005

The end is near

Several students will be leaving us to attend Sweetwater high school. I'm sad to see them go. I've grown attached to them, even the troublesome ones. However, there are a couple I wouldn't mind not seeing, which I know sounds bad.

The 9th graders finished their ad campaigns and there was one group that I was very impressed with. This was my group of underdogs, who I felt wouldn't finish anything, but they blew the competition out of the water. The best part was the commercial that they wrote, directed, and produced. It was funny and creative. They had shown us the first version, and after I made some suggestions, produced the final cut. However, trying to get them to do any grammar or write essays is another challenge. But they did understand the importance of writing out a script which showed them the practical side of English.

The 8th graders are reading The Diary of Anne Frank. The all appear to be enjoying it, but they ask too many questions about the Holocaust...questions I can't answer...but at least they're asking questions.

I brought Krispy Kreme donuts as a farewell gesture to the 9th graders leaving and even gave some to the 8th graders...just because. I like this group of 8th graders especially when they actually stay focussed.


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