Thursday, September 09, 2004


Both classes took part two of the HOLT test. With the 9th graders, I asked them what each one wanted to be 10 years from now, and I wrote the various job professions on the board. I then went through each one and explained how much college each one needed to attain their goal. I kept emphasizing the foundations built now, would benefit them in the future. The ones who wanted to be sports stars never realized that some of the top athletes have gone to college. We started working on sentences and sentence fragments after the discussion. We then went to the library so they could be assigned a textbook.

In the 8th grade class, we reviewed elements of a novel, and I added a few more for discussion. We still have only two girls in the class right now. What I like about it is that they both have my complete attention, so it's sort of like private tutoring. They were also assigned textbooks today.


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