Thursday, January 20, 2005

More poetry and Anne Frank

It's funny to watch students read and absorb poetry. As much as they'd like to admit they don't like it, some of the poems seem to touch them in some way. Most are afraid to go near poems, or better yet, they are afraid that their interpretation is wrong. I want them to understand that if they can analyze poems, they can analyze anything. My last days here should be interesting. The room is a little quieter since the 8 students have left. However, there's a few that have to act a fool. There is one student who should have left, but she was behind in her math and owed money to the library. It's sad to see someone with so much promise be held back. She does know that it was her own fault, which is good.

The 8th graders read some more of the play and watched the video. I'll probably have them do a reflection on the relationship between Peter and Anne, and it's effect on Margot.


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