Saturday, March 19, 2005

Block Schedules

The school on Friday was a year around school that is on block scheduling, which means on Tuesdays and Thursdays they have periods 1,3,5, and for some 7, and on Wednesdays and Fridays they have 0,2,4, and 6. It was a fairly easy day because I only had to work periods 2 and 6. The teacher I subbed for had a 4th period prep which meant I had a 2 1/2 hour break. The main office told me that they might need me 4th and I prayed they wouldn't. The only thing I didn't like about the assignment was that each period was 2 hours long. I can see how that would be helpful when teaching, but as a sub, it's a little tiresome. The students were great though, although the last period were 12th graders, and though polite, they took advantage of the fact that I really didn't know much about the school. Some had come in after lunch and when they saw it was a sub, left. They're 12th graders, so I'd probably would've done the same thing if it was the day before spring break.

Now, Sweetwater High School is on my list of schools that I'd want to work at. Block scheduling would actually be pretty cool, especially since the time off is usually when it is non-peak traveling time and I could probably get some good deals. They way the schedule looks, it appears that they get at least a month off for each intersession. So I'm thinking, about 10 weeks on, 4 weeks off. The school gets 3 weeks for the Christmas. It doesn't look like a bad schedule. It seems that the summer months are scattered throughout the school year which actually might be better. So not only does this school meet my APLE Grant, but the scheduling isn't bad either.

I won't be working at all next week because of Spring break.


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