Friday, October 01, 2004


I made a big mistake by trusting the word of a student. One of the 9th graders told me that they had already done math and world geography. I should have checked with Ms. Reese when she got back, but I didn't. So when she came up to me and told me that they wouldn't have enough time for WG, I asked the group who told me that WG was already done; and they all pointed to this one student. Unfortunately, because of his actions, many of them had to stay after school. They weren't too happy with him. The review went well, but the proof will be on the exam on Monday. The fun part was when I put them in a circle and had them write a sentence with at least a noun, verb, and an adjective. I had them past their papers to the right, and each student had to add a new sentence and stay within the thought or subject. I made them pass papers six times. The equivalent to a decent paragraph. It was fun, especially when they were reading them aloud. I had one student refuse to read, and honestly, he has behavior problems and no self-discipline; definitely a challenge. It's been tough to get him to turn in assignments. We've had to get his mother envolved. I was pleased with the performance and attitude of the other students.

8th grade went well, but my problem girl just wants attention from the boys. It's starting to get old. She was good when she came into Options, but is slowly regressing back to the attitude that got her in Options in the first place. She actually wants to go to O-class and the only reason I can think of is the bad boys that are sent there. Another challenge. I tried something new with them; finding key words and phrases in advertisements. Their first big paper is a persuasive essay.


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