Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Changes and adjustments

Yesterday, I worked with the 9th graders on the participle and the participial phrase. I've been creating warm-up/introductory exercise sheets before teaching any grammar. This appears to work well, however, today it didn't. The gerund gave them a little difficulty. We will be doing the infinitive tomorrow. I've been using an autobiographical model to explain and show what an effective essay should look like. They will start writing it this week. They didn't do so well on the "Thank you, M'am" story test. I've got to figure out the best way to review with them. Susan will be out for the rest of this week and next week as well. The sub is great. He works for the fire department and substitutes part-time. Two of the students have been taken out of the class and put on independent study. I'm not sure how effective that is, considering they are confined at home, near a t.v.

The 8th graders are continuing with their Holt grammar packets and personal narratives. I did let them watch part of "Charley," the movie version of "Flowers for Algernon," today. Even though this movie is old, it still has enough charm and appeal to keep their attention. The 2 girls who recently read the story commented back to the story, which I thought was great. One student was tested as special ed last year and was taken out of Options. But a new girl was added today and it's beginning to look like a nice little group, but sometimes they whine and complain too much. Some days I feel like a parent.


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